Tuesday, April 7, 2009

One Shining Moment

It's an NCAA Basketball tradition for this to be played. Here it is -- I only wish I could edit it and add a "TERESA WINS THE YOUNG FAMILY NCAA BRACKET CHALLENGE 2009!" to it... damn.


  1. I suck so bad, I have to say that I got a little misty eyed watching this, cause it captured our journey with our brackets. The covering of the heads with towels, or in our case in my home the pillow, when we knew we wouldn't win, and the jumping and screeming when we did win a round or when we were right up there in the leader boards. And the excitement for Eric and Teresa right up until the end of the game, Who would win....who would loose. I don't want this to end. I finally had something to look forward to when it came to all of you guys, and now it is over. I am a little sad. Congrats Teresa and you to Eric for making it to the end.

  2. We will find something new to plan!!! We can make up SOMETHING!! Love you all and Congratulations, Teresa!! My money (blah...) is on its way... (... typed while sticking out my tongue...)

  3. Beth we're freaking 0-2 in the Bracket Challenges.... WTF?!

  4. I know... I don't get it. I'll blame my issues on Jeremy!!! We did well, though! DON'T GIVE UP!! Next year - it's you, me and Doodle!

  5. You and Doodle maybe, but poor brad is destined to always be the bridesmaid.
